Chinese Favorites Contact
    Our success with the product sold to dozens of countries on the world... more>>
Address:Shishan village,landian town,zhuanghe,dalian,China.

Our main products include:

Cod, Haddock, Salmon, Pollock,
Ocean Perch, and Scallops. 
We can process products strictly 
according to customers’ specifications 
and pack in both bulk and retail packages
as customers’ request.
Dalian Huashan Aquatic
Product and Foods Co., Ltd.
Insist to supply
“High standard, precise, zero
defects” products to meet full
satisfaction of our customers.
Cod Series ( Gadus Macrocephalus/Morhua)
Cod Fillet : Skinless/skin on
Cod Loin
Cod Portion
Cod Tail/Tail fillet
Cod Nugget
Long Line Cod products
Haddock Series (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
Haddock Fillet: Skin On/skinless
Haddock Portion
Haddock Loin
Haddock Tail / Tail fillet
Long line Haddock Products
Salmon Series (Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha/Keta)
Salmon Fillet: skin on
Salmon Fillet: skinless
Salmon Portion: skin on
Salmon Portion: skinless
Alaska Pollock Series (Theragra Chalcogramma)
Alaska Pollock Fillet
Alaska Pollock Cut Fillet
Alaska Pollock Loin
Alaska Pollock block/SHP(Interleaved)
Ocean Perch

Scallop Meat